A downloadable game for Windows

Your serene valley kingdom is prospering and your tiny townsfolk are happy and healthy. But your messengers have given warning a nearby kingdom are getting jealous.
The game begins as you are on one of your regular strolls through the forest, visiting your villages.


Jon - Team Leader, Architecture Lead, Designer

This is only my second game jam but I'm so pleased to be working with a team this time. I played the role of supervisor and lead architect. I hope people have a good time playing this game and really get immersed in the experience (even with the rough edges!)

Adam - Lead Programmer, FX Lead 

All the gear no idea. Only my second time using Unity and my first time with some to help me understand what I'm doing. Did have one attempt at the Global Game Jam in the past but it didn't go well.

Zoe - Level Design, Composition and Programming

This is my first time making a game, using unity and doing a game jam! I’ve had such a good time working with these guys on this project and I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed making it!

Sarah - Sound Design, Asset Creation and Testing

I made some silly noises into a microphone I'm not sure I really deserve this much credit!


Hi everyone! we managed to get something done in time! It's not polished but its 100% playable. 

We used a lot of paid assets for this as none of the team are artists. We used the time instead programming functionality and laying out the world.

Obviously we're sorry that there is no title screen and no "YOU WON!" screen but we didn't prioritise those over the mechanics of the game and the feel of playing.


LStick or WASD to move

RStick or Mouse to look around

LB or '\' to summon (sorry about the awkward mapping if you are using a US keyboard)

LT or LShift to lock on to near enemy and cast shield

RT or LMouse to throw a guy

RB to or RMouse to charge!

A button or LMouse to continue through dialogue

Escape to exit game



Cartoon FX Remaster - Version R 1.1.0 - February 11, 2021

GUI PRO Kit - Casual Game - Version 1.3.4 - February 08, 2021

Little Heroes Mega Pack - Version 2.9 - January 05, 2021

POLYGON - Knights Pack - Version 1.2 - January 21, 2021

Ultimate Sound FX Bundle - Version 1.0 - July 13, 2020


LittleGuys.zip 50 MB


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(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, the game looks great, but it's not very playable. 
I tried using my ps4 controller as it was recommended but the camera just kept spinning in one direction and it was impossible to play. So instead I used M+KB. The main issues I found is that the camera is inverted automatically making it a very odd feeling atleast for me especially when trying to aim and attack, I felt like I was fighting not with the enemies but the camera most of the time. Additionally, the mouse cursor is not locked to the game, therefore when looking around and then trying to attack I would press outside of the game itself and on my desktop. Then another problem I had is that you cannot remap the buttons, the "\" key is a very odd choice for a key as its next to my Enter key so that wasn't very ergonomic, having to move my right hand away from the mouse just to press the summon button. And finally, the last problem is that when you die you always get sent to the beginning of the game and you cannot skip the same dialogue boxes. Sadly I could not get further than the guards in the castle as my little guys got stuck behind each other (navmesh/nav agent issue I'm guessing) and couldn't deal enough damage to kill the guards and I always got killed. I know I have a lot of criticism, however, I believe that this game has great potential if the issues I mentioned were fixed.


thanks for the feedback! Yes we're getting a lot of issue surrounding the position of the '\'. On British keyboards its right next to the left shift key (we didn't know there was a difference). The controller issue is very odd as we've been playing with controllers the entire time and never experienced that (possibly a sensitivity issue). The mouse problem is something that was just unfortunately not considered by us as we never tested with mouse and keyboard. And finally of course we would loved to have made a better responding system we just didn't have time in the end :)

Oh and the mouse being inverted is a subjective thing, we tackled with it and people have different opinions of it. The solution to that would be a real menu system where it could be changed.

Luckily the guards in the castle are the last enemy! (We ran out of time ahahaha)